Yoga for Cyclists

Using yoga to cross train for cycling can help build strength, endurance and flexibility.  Cyclists often experience overtaxed muscles, tightness and imbalance in the body from a predominately one dimensional sport.  Heather offers workshop intensives for cyclists to learn how to use yoga to develop core strength and balance, improve breathing capacity and create fluidity of movement on the bike. 

Team Workshops and Training Sessions

Learn how to incorporate flexibility and powerful breathing techniques into your training sessions to enhance your performance on the bike. These informative workshops will help you develop effective techniques to use the breath efficiently, develop strength, flexibility and incorporate mindfulness into your training routine.  You will learn a simple breathing and flexibility sequence to be used before and after a ride.  These sequences are designed specifically for cyclists and take less than 15 minutes

Schedule a Workshop

  • 1-Hour informational workshop includes theory and a 30 minute practice session with a written & Illustrated flexibility sequence.
  • 30-minute follow up sessions are led breathing and flexibility sequences. Designed to be done after a ride, they teach riders to feel comfortable incorporating a regular breathing and flexibility program into their training.
  • Yoga for Cyclists Workshop

    Learn to Build Strength, Endurance and Flexibility to Enhance Your Cycling Performance This class will teach you tools to:

  • Realign posture and gain flexibility
  • Strengthen the diaphragm and intercostals
  • Improve core strength and stability Reduce stress, allowing the body to recover
  • Increase your range of motion Through a unique combination of breathing techniques, stretching and mindfulness training you will enhance your on-bike performance, reduce injury risk and learn to become a more focused rider This class is specifically created for cyclists. You will receive a written and illustrated guide of yoga poses for quick and easy reference.